The Christmas Club
Come join us this
holiday season
Our favorite time of year, as featured in the St. Louis Post and the St. Louis Review, is celebrated through our annual Christmas Club. Volunteers from all over St. Louis come together to ensure the Wellston community gets to experience a holiday season without worry. Keep reading to find out how you can help make a difference for hundreds of families!
What is the Christmas club?
Annually, we sponsor the Christmas Club. Unlike "adopt-a-family" programs, the Christmas Club's clients are offered an opportunity to be able to choose from new products to decide what they truly need to make their holiday season magical.
It's called a "Club" because the clients who participate feel like they are part of something special and the volunteers who help feel like they are making a unique and special impact!
How does it work?
Families that receive assistance from the
Wellston Center during the year are eligible to shop and purchase these gifts in the Christmas Club. The family size determines how much money each family may spend in the Club. All gifts are priced at about 10% of the original cost. Donors purchase new gift items from a suggested list. Gifts are then delivered unwrapped and with the price tag still on to the Wellston Center.
Sunday, December 8rd
1:00-3:00 PM
Monday, December 9th
9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Friday, December 13th
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Saturday, December 14th
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
gift item sugGESTIONS
Air Fryers, Blankets, Blenders, Coffee Makers, Comforter Sets, Crockpots,
Dishes, Electric Can Openers, Electric Heaters, Electric Skillets, Flashlights, Flatware, Glasses, Kitchen & Bath Towels, Microwaves, Pots & Pan Sets, Roasters, Sheets (Full & Queen), Storage Containers, Toaster Ovens, Waffle Makers
Baby Toys, Barbies, Cars, Ethnic Dolls, Games for Teenagers, Puzzles, Sports Items
For All Ages
Coats, Pajamas, Sweatsuits, Underwear
Fragrance Gift Sets, Holiday Food Gift Packages, Grooming Sets, Lotions, Men's Toiletries Sets, Popcorn Tins, Tools, Watches
Wrapping Paper, Tape, Christmas Cards, Batteries